Sunday, January 30, 2011

Loxdev continues his revolting revolt

Fight club fans, who here likes a good fist fight?

Loxdev does.  Hes the type of bully wannabe that can't put himself into someone else's shoes.

Everything I said in my blog about him bounced off like hes made of rubber.

Past summary:  Loxdev targets Cronos dev's Feeyo with stupid insults and arrogant self righteous psychobabble.  He feels confident to be victim, police, lawyer, judge, jury and hangman over something so small that any REAL kernel developers out there who have commented on this subject have said Feeyo's infraction of the GPL is very minor and the code in question doesn't matter to anyone.

My summary - this shouldn't have mattered to Loxdev.

Moments after this goes down on feeyo's forum he's sent an email from a representative of the GPL (officially this time) asking him to stop distributing his work until this has been looked into further.

Who did YOU think had contacted the GPL rep?  Loxdev?  or one of loxdev's faithful followers?  DOES IT REALLY MATTER?  The only logical conclusion about why it happened is that LOXDEV INITIATED THIS WHOLE MESS OUT OF SHEER PETTY JEALOUSY.

If I manage a team of 5 people and I go in and publicly disgrace our biggest and currently more popular competitor because I caught them driving through a red light, and then one of my 5 team members without my knowing calls authorities about this infraction and shows them photos of it happening, who is responsible?  I AM RESPONSIBLE.

But LOXDEV IS HAPPY TO OPENLY BLAME ANYONE BUT HIMSELF FOR THIS POS THING HE DID.  It doesnt matter if LOXDEV or anyone else contacted the GPL about CRONOS.  What matters is that it wouldnt have happened if LOXDEV had not started it and the person who called GPL probably would not have had the balls to do it if LOXDEV  had not just made a public idiot of himself.

Dont believe me?  READ LOXDEV'S OWN WORDS:

How funny, freeyo thinks I am the one that reported his GPL infigment to and personnaly attacks me with bad words... booo

He is either too stupid to spell Feeyo's name right or is knowingly degrading him with a misspelling.  He expects Feeyo to NOT personally attack him in self defense after this fiasco.  And he speaks so eloquently - "BOOO"



  1. 'Who did YOU think had contacted the GPL rep? Loxdev? or one of loxdev's faithful followers? DOES IT REALLY MATTER? The only logical conclusion about why it happened is that LOXDEV INITIATED THIS WHOLE MESS OUT OF SHEER PETTY JEALOUSY. '

    It does matter, as that's what your whole 'critique' is about.

    'He is either too stupid to spell Feeyo's name right or is knowingly degrading him with a misspelling.'


    Not to hard to see that it is a mistype.

    Also you forgot to realise that the booo was sarcastic.

    This blog is almost rubbish enough to qualify for the Daily Mail. If you had some phone tapping, you got work at the News of the World!

  2. Hello Richard. Possibly you did not see his original post @ cronos. Based on that I think this is not a typo from Loxdev. He shows his vast ignorance is very many ways.

    The booo was sarcastic. Yes you are correct and I agree. And oh so clever. No. Fail on clever. Fail on intelligent. Fail on comprehending his own mistakes or learning from his own actions or the actions of others in the past.

    Loxdev must have superior intellectual prowess to come up with such witticism. Now in my new blog entry I have discovered that the apple did not drop far from the tree.

    Read on faithful readers, read on.

    1. Ah, nice to take a trip down memory lane and read this stuff again.

  3. For the record, I reported Feeyo for SEVERAL GPL breaches, MONTHS ago. So now you can turn your ad hominem ramblings onto me if you like.

    Feeyo deserves everything he gets, since he's been nothing but a twat to other developers for a long time. His ilk does not suit community projects or open source ones.

    I take it you're unaware of him having two accounts on XDA, one that he asked for advice with, then used that help/advice to create ROM, then release under Feeyo, CREDITING NOBODY? Yeah, great guy you're backing there in your great fight for morality quest.

    But who cares right, you're just another blogger who gets diarrhea of the keyboard without checking a single fact, while jerking your dick thinking you're some kind of evangelical internet journalist / white knight.


  4. Also, what fucking jealousy? Does he create the best Hero ROM? No. Does he have the most popular Hero ROM? Lol no, not by a long shot. He even bases his two most recent ROMs on Cyanogenmod so what the christ has anyone got to be jealous of Feeyo for?

  5. You didn't noticed the FREE in FREEyo... ;)
    A hint to feeyo's beloved GPL rules.
    what a good move from lox

  6. "any REAL kernel developers out there who have commented on this subject have said Feeyo's infraction of the GPL is very minor and the code in question doesn't matter to anyone."

    We don't care if it's minor, or major, or anything like that.
    There are rules, if you break rules, you're out.
    It's an all or nothing situation.
    You follow the rules: well ok.
    You don't: gtfo.
    Why is it so hard for feeyo, always breaking GPL!

    I can see the "yes but other devs break gpl too! :whine: :whine: :cry: :cry:"
    The difference is that the others devs will give their sources if asked and will not answer by NO.


    so please stop blaming anyone other...
    btw. please, read what lox written on mentioned post, maybe then you will be insulting only yourself...

    btw2. it's really funny to read about myself as "someone faithful follower" ;)

    and as always - sorry for my engrish ;)
